Quiet Mystery

In the space between glances,

where words dare not go,

we find ourselves lingering,

in the silence we both know.

Eyes lock. Time stands still—

Is this what grandmas call a spark?

Across the room, a pull between us,

Around us, everything fades dark.

I wave. You hesitate, startled.

Then quickly dashed away!

Even in the humor of that moment,

I felt sad you didn’t stay.

Soon, you returned a shadow,

close but not too near.

We’re a subtle, quiet mystery—

Your voice I’ve yet to hear.

Each step you take, a question,

each glance, a chance ahead.

Yet we walk a path of silence,

our number #1 question left unsaid.

And though we be but strangers,

your curious eyes feel true—

for in this quiet, hidden dance,

You see me, and I see you.


Mi Amigo, the API